Monday, April 24, 2017

Essay Exhibits

This semester, our class has learned a great amount about digital humanities. The essay exhibits that we created demonstrated not only the diversity of the field, but also how much we've learned. No two exhibits that I viewed were about the same thing, and I'm sure there were many other topics we could have covered. It is truly amazing to think about how expansive digital humanities is and how much we're still learning about it.

One exhibit that I found especially interesting was The Intersection of "Video Games and Religion" by Hunter Graham. His exhibit detailed that lack of attention video games get regarding religious reference and why this should not be the case. He cited examples such as the Zelda series's focus on three goddesses and how it was initially going to have elements of Christianity in it. The Game Journey was also included, and how the journey through the game is similar to someone traversing through life to reach a destination. His exhibit made me realize just how little attention is paid to religious references in games compared to other media.

Another exhibit that I  viewed was Caitee Baird's "Electronic Literature: New and Improved English?" It discussed the benefits of integrating electronic literature into classroom settings. One of the key benefits was that it appeals to students that have different learning styles, such as kinetic poems to hands-on learners and art-based pieces for visual learners. She even gave some exam
ples of types of e-lit that would be appropriate for each age level: literacy apps for elementary school, Google maps essays for middle school, and various kinds for high school. In a world that is advancing technologically very quickly, her essay addressed topics that many schools will likely have to discuss in the coming years.

All of the exhibits explored topics and asked questions that exemplify what our class has learned this semester. It was interesting to see each person's specific areas of interest in this diverse and expaniding field.

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