Monday, April 24, 2017

Essay Exhibits

Image result for video games picturesThe field of Digital Humanities covers a wide range of topics that were all displayed by students in their essay exhibits. From literature and video games to music and data mining Digital Humanities is relevant almost everywhere. It was surprising to see that nearly everyone had a different topic that they were talking about. The exhibits that were put on display in class highlighted many different things and all showed the keypoints of the final essay very well. After going through each exhibit I felt like I actually learned something about that specific topic. One exhibit that I looked at was Jon Dicey’s exhibit on How Video Games Affect Society. This presentation provided a lot of good information on who today’s gamers are and what they play. Statistically information was provided to see the age range of today's gamers. A lot of information on how video games affect people in today’s society was also provided. This exhibit relates to my own essay and it was helpful to see another person’s perspective on a similar topic to mine. Another exhibit that I was able to look at was Emily Sasso’s exhibit on Datamining Boy Bands. This presentation highlighted a lot of key points about data mining and what she found as she datamined information and statistics about the bands. Finding trends throughout different boy bands was interesting to see since you don’t pick up on those things when listening to their music. Image result for data mining Every presentation that I was able to look at had some interesting aspect to it that displayed what Digital Humanities is about. I realized when looking at both of these presentations that they exhibit two completely different things that are still encompassed in Digital Humanities. These exhibits are a good representation of the digital humanities not just for the reason that they are about the digital humanities but they represent the areas of study that it covers. Image result for data mining

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